Children with eczema is an allergic skin disease, is usually that of allergic skin disease. Main reason is the food into the matter, inhalation or contact with objects due to intolerance or allergy. At first the children suffering from eczema skin redness, rash, followed by skin roughness, scaling, rubbing the child's skin like sandpaper on the touch in the same. Exposed to heat, humidity can make the eczema case performance significantly.
To prevent eczema, in the diet and feeding on what parents need to pay attention to it?
Breastfeeding mothers should be encouraged to extend the first time, at least 6 months of breastfeeding, the baby, breast milk is low sensitivity, and nutrition, the best food. During the baby suffering from eczema, the mother Eat or not eat as much as possible food allergies, observation of the mother fish, shrimp, meat, eggs and other foods, the eczema will not increase, if there is no obvious change in the amount of intake of the mother can to maintain nutritional balance;
If you take the second mixed feeding or artificial feeding of babies can choose some low sensitivity formula, such as hydrolyzed protein milk powder, milk powder after hydrolysis can be the original milk protein molecules into small molecules, reduced allergenicity, especially parents allergies baby after the birth you can choose this formula;
Third, complementary feeding time should be six months after the baby, and added slowly, choose some low sensitive foods such as rice, white radish, carrot, etc., from a, from a small beginning, step by step, each Add a new food, should observe a week's time, if not rash worsens, could add another, do not add together a variety of food, tell allergens, milk, eggs, fish, shrimp, meat, etc. should be add more normal children 1-2 months later;
Fourth, the large baby eczema diet selection in some heat and dampness of foods such as celery, bamboo, gourd, melon, etc.;
Fifth, dry eczema baby to drink more water, eat plenty of vitamin A and vitamin B-rich foods;
Sixth, light salt foods can reduce eczema exudate.